Why Organically Grown Seed is Important for Sustainability

Why Organically Grown Seed is Important for Sustainability

Organically grown seeds allow gardeners to grow, harvest and collect their own seeds to create a fully sustainable garden. 

Organic seeds are the foundation of an organic garden and the key to fostering strong living systems.  Plants and produce grown from organic seed allow the organic gardener to harvest the seed and reproduce the produce season after season.  Plants grown from non-organic and GMO seed, cannot guarantee there progeny can produce the same characteristics as their parent plant, and may not be able to produce seed itself.

Organically grown seeds allow gardeners to grow, harvest and collect their own seeds to create a fully sustainable garden. 

Using an organic system without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, organically grown seeds are adapted to thrive in the type of environment they are grown in.  Particular seed varieties will do better in different climates, so if one variety of organic seed has not been that successful, try a variety that has been grown in a different climate or is sown at different times of the year.

Organically grown vegetable seeds also exhibit increased pest and disease resistance and provide chemical-free protection for the surrounding ecosystem. Ultimately, organic gardeners have the unique power to develop sustainable systems of production that don't compromise the health and prosperity of their gardens and the planet. By investing in organic seeds, you can enjoy nutrient-rich foods, a healthier garden and a reduced environmental impact. Plant organic seeds today and reap the rewards of a flourishing garden, environmentally friendly produce and a never-ending supply of food!




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