The Patch

Certified Organic Herb Thyme Seeds.

Best 7 Herbs to Have Growing!

7 of the best herbs to be growing in your garden, balcony or window sill.

Best 7 Herbs to Have Growing!

7 of the best herbs to be growing in your garden, balcony or window sill.

A Guide to Summer Planting in Australia

A Guide to Summer Planting in Australia

What is the best seeds to sow during the summer months?

A Guide to Summer Planting in Australia

What is the best seeds to sow during the summer months?

How to Start Your Own Veggie Patch

How to Start Your Own Veggie Patch

Are you finding starting your veggie patch daunting? Are you confused about where to start? This article will try to turn the mountain into a mole hill. CREATING YOUR PATCH...

How to Start Your Own Veggie Patch

Are you finding starting your veggie patch daunting? Are you confused about where to start? This article will try to turn the mountain into a mole hill. CREATING YOUR PATCH...

The Benefits of Nasturtiums

The Benefits of Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are an amazing plant that every gardener should have...find out why?

The Benefits of Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are an amazing plant that every gardener should have...find out why?

What Tomatoes Suit Your Veggie Patch?

What Tomatoes Suit Your Veggie Patch?

Depending on the size of your patch and how you want to eat your tomatoes, decides which varieties will be best in your vegetable garden.

What Tomatoes Suit Your Veggie Patch?

Depending on the size of your patch and how you want to eat your tomatoes, decides which varieties will be best in your vegetable garden.

Are you adding Poisons to your Veggie Garden?

Are you adding Poisons to your Veggie Garden?

Australia is way behind the rest of the world in banning certain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and toxic chemicals currently being used by both commercial and backyard farmers.  Are you using...

Are you adding Poisons to your Veggie Garden?

Australia is way behind the rest of the world in banning certain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and toxic chemicals currently being used by both commercial and backyard farmers.  Are you using...

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